How can we make it safer and easier for people to get around in Cowaramup? We want to know what you think!
Because Cowaramup is growing and lots of people visit, there’s more traffic in the town, we need to find ways to make our roads safer for all.
In 2023, the Shire employed a consultant, Stantec to create a Cowaramup Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS) to plan for these challenges.
The Cowaramup ITS will help us make changes to improve traffic over the next few years. Some changes will happen soon (starting in September), and others will take a bit longer.
Main Roads WA will be conducting works in September in Cowaramup. A 1.5 metre wide painted median island will be installed as an interim measure for a twelve month period to allow a safe space for pedestrians to stop before completing their crossing. The median will be white and easy to see from vehicles entering the town.
Those interested in learning more can attend an Information Session at the Cowaramup District Social Club on Tuesday, September 17 from 5pm to 6pm. Alternatively, you can attend a drop-in session at the Duggan Pavilion from 10am to 12.30pm or 2pm to 4pm on Thursday, September 19.
The Cowaramup ITS has been conducted in collaboration with Main Roads WA and shared with representatives from the Cowaramup Road Safety Group.
The Cowaramup ITS, its prioritised action plan and frequently asked questions associated with the Strategy are available on our Your Say page. You can give feedback online before September 30, 2024.