Renewal of Margaret River Youth Precinct Café Lease
Shire of Augusta Margaret River
Proposed Disposition of Land
Margaret River Youth Precinct Café – Lot 1003 Wallcliffe Road
Proposed Disposition of Land
Margaret River Youth Precinct Café – Lot 1003 Wallcliffe Road
The 2018 lease of the Youth Precinct Café is due to expire and the Shire proposes to enter into another lease with the existing tenant. Under the Local Government Act 1995, the Shire is required to give local public notice of any such proposed transaction. The details of the transaction are:
1. Description of Property: Part of Lot 1003 Wallcliffe Road, Margaret River – Margaret River Youth Precinct Cafe
2. Details of Disposition:
a) Names of the parties: Shire of Augusta Margaret River as Lessor and Jorja Webb T/As West Coffee Co as Lessee.
b) Consideration: Base rent to be paid by the Lessee is $24,000 per annum plus GST and outgoings with annual rent reviews.
c) Lease term: 5 years.
d) Market Value of disposition as determined by an independent valuation dated 2 November 2023: $24,000 per annum excluding GST and outgoings.
e) Otherwise on standard commercial lease terms.
Submissions can be made to the Chief Executive Officer, Shire of Augusta Margaret River, PO Box 61, Margaret River, WA 6285 or sent via email to [email protected] by 4pm Monday 4 December 2023.
Stephanie Addison-Brown
Chief Executive Officer
15 Nov 2023
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