Shire Councillors at the Ordinary Council Meeting on Wednesday 26 October resolved to accept recommended changes to Dog Exercise Areas (DEAs) and Dog Prohibited Areas previously advertised.
Council accepted recommendations to create four new Dog Exercise Areas within the Shire. The following places are specified within the Shire, to be Dog Exercise Areas under s31(3A) of the Dog Act 1976:a) Portion of Symphony Waters, Cowaramup – Reserve number: R45185.
b) Portion of Crellin Place, Rapids Landing – Reserve number: R50413.
c) Portion of Bottlebrush Drive, Brookfield – Reserve number: R48184.
d) Portion of Farmhouse Place, Riverslea – Reserve number: R4539.
The addition of these areas brings the total number of DEAs within the Shire to 21.
The proposed changes are the result of a recent major review into DEA’s, with 479 community members completing the ‘Let’s Talk About Dogs’ survey open for comment in June/July this year, with dog owners making up 87% of survey respondents.
Margaret River and Cowaramup
The Council voted in support of a fence being installed at the Brookfield Reserve DEA in response to community calls for an additional enclosed off-lead area in Margaret River.Whilst Nippers Oval within the Gloucester Park Precinct and Cowaramup Oval DEAs will be retained, dog owners are strongly urged to be extra vigilant in picking up their dog poo or risk the ovals no longer being allowed for use as off-lead dog exercise areas.
An update on the level of compliance at Nippers and Cowaramup Oval DEAs, with the ability to revoke the DEA in the event of significant non-compliance, will occur at the same time Witchcliffe POS becomes available for DEA in 2023.
Prevelly and Gnarabup
A recommendation was accepted to retain part of the existing DEA at Prevelly Beach, however the Dog Prohibited Area, north of White Elephant café, will be extended by approximately 140m north to Georgette Way beach access footpath. This amendment is to provide improved delineation of where people can take dogs onto the beach. Clearer signage will be installed at this location to assist dog owners.Dogs will still be able to enjoy the 300m off-lead area on Back Beach all year round, however, the section south towards Gas Bay that was trialled as a seasonal Dog Prohibited area to Gas Bay is now a Dog Prohibited Area for dogs all year round.
Recommendations made on dog management and specified dog areas in Flinders Bay/Albany Terrace and the greater Augusta locality (including Molloy) will be reviewed and undergo further in-depth community consultation in 2023, following consultation with surrounding residents and the local community.Witchcliffe
The Witchcliffe community will be consulted in the future about their local Dog Exercise Areas, once public open space in the new Witchcliffe development areas are vested to the Shire.Rural Leashing
Councillors accepted the recommendation that all road reserves within the district of the Shire of Augusta Margaret River excluding any portion inside a townsite boundary or specified as a Dog Exercise Area or Dog Prohibited Area be classified as Rural Leashing areas.All recreation reserves under the care, control, or management of the Shire of Augusta Margaret River excluding any portion inside a townsite boundary or specified as a Dog Exercise Area or Dog Prohibited Area are also classified as Rural Leashing.
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