Have Your Say on Our Local Biodiversity Strategy

We are seeking community feedback on the development of our Local Biodiversity Strategy. 

The Strategy will identify environmental assets for protection and will include a Local Biodiversity Action Plan to guide our priorities and decision-making over the next 10 years.  

The Strategy aims to optimise community engagement, advocacy and partnership opportunities and create a culture of stewardship towards to the natural environment.

How Can You Get Involved?
1.    Attend a workshop
2.    Complete the survey

For more information about the Strategy, upcoming workshops, and to access to the survey, visit

Have a question? Contact our Coordinator of Environment and Landcare Services, Kay Lehman on 9780 5221 or email [email protected]

A targeted mail out will occur over the coming weeks to notify key stakeholder groups.
15 Feb 2024 Topic Type
General News
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