Notice of Ordinary Meeting of Council - 14 December 2022

The next Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held at 5.30pm on Wednesday 14 December 2022 in Council Chambers, 41 Wallcliffe Road, Margaret River. Item to be considered include:

  • Audit and Risk Management Committee Meeting Minutes - 23 November 2022
  • P222338 - Local Law Permit - Micro Mobility eScooter and eBike Hire
  • Update on Implementation of Sustainable Economy Strategy
  • P222713 Scheme Amendment No.79 to Local Planning Scheme No.1 - 709 (Lot 201) Burnside Road, Burnside - for initiation
  • Scheme Amendment No.72 and Associated Structure Plan - Lot 102 Moodjar Court, Karridale - for final adoption
  • Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes - 16 November 2022
  • Local Emergency Management Committee Meeting Minutes - 8 November 2022
  • Auditor's Report for 2021-22
  • Annual Report 2021-22
  • List of Payments for October 2022
  • Financial Activity Statement for October 2022
  • Augusta Family Daycare Funding
The agenda and attachments will be available on the Shire’s website from 6pm Tuesday 6 December 2022.

For further information and requests for deputations, please visit or contact the Shire’s Governance Officer on (08) 9780 5205 or email [email protected].

Members of the public are welcome to attend as observers or via livestream.

24 Nov 2022 Topic Type
Public Notice
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