Proposed Extractive Industry Refused
A decision by the Regional Development Assessment Panel (RDAP) to refuse a proposed extractive industry application has been welcomed by the Shire for its recognition of the passion of the Augusta-Margaret River community to protect the local environment.On 9 January the RDAP refused the proposed Extractive Industry application for Caves Road, Hamelin Bay, acknowledging both significant landscape and environmental concerns and overwhelming community opposition.
While the panel meeting was held in Perth, the Shire set up a space for the community to participate in the process or view the meeting as it unfolded. Community members and the Shire President made deputations to the RDAP from the Council Chambers, where staff, the Shire President, and community members gathered to witness the livestreamed determination. The decision to refuse the application will help preserve their treasured local environment and landscape.
Shire President Julia Meldrum, who gave a powerful deputation alongside community representatives, welcomed the decision as a victory for local voices and environmental stewardship.
"While the final decision was out of Council’s control, it was important to our community and to Council that we had a strong voice in this decision, so I’m very pleased with the outcome," Ms Meldrum said.
"I made the conscious decision to present from Wadandi Boodja and stand shoulder to shoulder with my community, representing their views and concerns."
"Our community knows intrinsically that the land west of Caves Road between Cape Naturaliste in the North and Cape Leeuwin in the South is special, and the depth of their concern was evident in the 275 submissions of objection we received during the public consultation period.
"I am therefore delighted that Council’s objection and the concerns of the community have been upheld by the Regional Development Assessment Panel."
The decision upholds long-standing protections for the area, including the State Planning Policy 6.1 (1998), which was specifically designed to prevent inappropriate development west of Caves Road. The Shire's position, as outlined in its Responsible Authority Report presented to Council on 11 December 2024, highlighted the critical environmental considerations that made this site unsuitable for extractive industry.
"This outcome reinforces the Shire’s approach on how we protect our unique environmental assets," Ms Meldrum added.
"It shows that when proper planning, local knowledge and community values are thoroughly considered, we can achieve outcomes that protect our natural heritage for future generations.
“We respect the need for raw materials for agriculture, however this was the wrong location for extraction for many reasons.”
The Shire of Augusta Margaret River is grateful for the community’s passionate advocacy and engagement throughout this process. The decision reinforces the importance of community voice in planning decisions and strengthens our shared commitment to preserving the exceptional character of our region for generations to come.
For more information on the application and the Shire’s recommendation to the Regional Development Assessment Panel to refuse the application, please visit Ordinary Council Meeting 11 December or to view the finalised minutes for the RDAP meeting go to Meeting Minutes 9 January.
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