Help shape Seniors Week Celebrations!
Are you passionate about people over 60 living well in our community? If so, please share your input on how we can put together a diverse and engaging program of events for Seniors Week Celebrations in November 2024.We are also pleased to be working with a variety of service providers and community organisations to support age friendly initiatives in the shire, including the Seniors Week Celebrations.
We have a short survey currently open, which closes at 5pm on Wednesday 4th September.
We would love to continue to work in partnership with older people and relevant stakeholders to action our new Age Friendly Community Plan 2024 - 2028 in a collaborative and meaningful way, and to stay informed about current issues, challenges, and opportunities.
The Age Friendly Community Plan 2024 - 2028 aims to ensure we are providing a welcoming, inclusive and accessible place for our senior community members.
Thank you to over 150 community members and service providers who shared valuable insights and feedback, contributing to shaping the Age Friendly Community Plan 2024 - 2028.
Council endorsed the new Plan at the Ordinary Council Meeting in June. The Plan was officially launched at a Seniors Morning Tea event on Tuesday, 30 July at the Margaret River Men’s Shed.
The event featured a spread of delicious food, information sharing by guest speakers and a brainstorm activity to inform Seniors Week Celebrations.
Detailed goals and actions within the Plan focus on supporting older people to access the services and support they need and to enable them to continue to actively participate and be recognised in our community.
Our Shire is committed to supporting our community to be inclusive and accessible to all, including our older residents.
For more details on the Age Friendly Community Plan 2024 - 2028 please contact Shire Community Development Officer, Olivia Knowles. Phone 9780 5667 or email [email protected]
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