While it's important that we reduce our water use all year round, nature sends us gentle reminders throughout the year.
For example, during the Wadandi Season of Birak (December - January), the peppy flowers start to fall which lets us know that the rains are easing up. This is a timely reminder that we should be preparing for summer and doing everything we can to reduce our water use.
Conserving water resources, even in areas without shortages, reduces the need to build dams or extract water from rivers, decreases wastewater produced and treated at sewage plants, lowers energy requirements for treating and transporting water and wastewater, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
Here are some useful tips and resources to help reduce your water use:
- Turning the tap off while brushing your teeth can save up to 10 litres per minute
- Pick a song that's less than 4 minutes long to shower to
- Detect water leaks inside and outside of your home by conducting a basic leak test using your water meter
You can find more tips for the home, outdoors and other areas from WaterCorp here.