To keep our community safe, burning of garden refuse may require a Permit to Burn at certain times of the year.
Spring/Summer Restricted Burning period
9 November - 22 December (These dates are a guide only. Please refer to Burning Periods for up to date info).
- You may burn one small heap of up to one cubic metre of garden refuse during the Spring/Summer Restricted Burning period without a Permit.
- It cannot be lit before 6pm and must be fully extinguished by 11pm.
- A courtesy call to your local Fire Control Officer is recommended.
- Burning is prohibited on days where the Fire Danger Rating is HIGH or above.
Please note: The above dates are subject to change at short notice due to variable weather conditions. Please monitor the Shire’s website for updates, sign up to receive media releases or check the Shire's Facebook page.
Autumn Restricted Burning period
15 March - 12 May (These dates are a guide only. Guidelines only, refer to Burning Periods for up to date info).
- A Permit to Burn is required to burn garden refuse during the Autumn Restricted Burning period.
- Burning is prohibited on days where the Fire Danger Rating is HIGH or above.
Please note: The above dates are subject to change at short notice due to variable weather conditions. Please monitor the Shire’s website for updates, sign up to receive media releases or check the Shire's Facebook page.
Other ways to dispose of garden refuse
Your green FOGO bin is emptied weekly and is a great way to regularly dispose of garden waste.
Bulk green waste up to two cubic metres can be taken to the Davis Road Waste Management Facility free of charge. Fees apply for green waste in excess of two cubic metres.
All green waste must be free from any contamination otherwise general waste disposal charges will apply.
Find out more about Waste and Recycling Facilities.